Monday, June 8, 2009

My First Day

Well, it's finally here. I'm all unpacked and ready to begin my summer living in New York City. The townhouse in Queens (Sunnyside) is very nice. The room I'm staying in with Kady is nice and big; good for two people. On the top floor is an Indian family...well, that's what I gather anyway. The smells that waft down to our floor are very Indian, and every once in a while I can here 'clomp, clomp, clomp' of kids' feet as they run across the apt. it too soon to invite myself up for dinner? I LOVE Indian food :)
I must admit, I'm nervous about finding a job. Kady has two friends who are living on the Columbia campus for the summer, and they boh got summer jobs within a week of when they got here. So there is hope! I printed out a few copies of my resume (now condensed, thanks to my uncle Gary), and I'm ready to get out tomorrow and pound the pavement! Please God help me find something!
So, things really seem to be coming together. We even have "easy wheels" to help us carry our groceries from FoodLand (or is it FoodTown? FoodCity? FoodFun?) - pictures on that to follow (we both look like bag ladies!). I just hope this week goes smoothly.
God-help me to stay your devoted child in a city full of lost people. Help me find a church to attend while I'm here. Please provide some income so I can pay the rent and see some broadway shows! I love you, Lord.

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